Grooming Price Increase Information

Grooming Price Increase Information

Summer 2023


A note from Owner & Founder Ruth Warren

You may remember we wrote to you in September last year announcing a freeze in our grooming prices, despite the soaring costs of energy and supplies. We have continued to review our costs closely and I’m afraid the time has come where we have no choice but to increase our prices.
We have managed to hold off on doing this since the cost of living crisis and the energy crisis began but it was inevitable we would have to do so eventually. By increasing the cost of our services, we are keeping the grooming salon viable as our costs continue to rise. Dog grooming done well is a physically demanding and skilled job and, more than ever, we need to pay our staff a fair wage that reflects the expertise they bring to the table as well as meeting the increasing costs of electricity, business rates and grooming supplies.
Therefore, we are going to increase the price of your dog's grooming appointment by £10.
Please know that we do not make this decision lightly but by doing so we will be in the best position to continue to provide the service you have come to expect from us. The high street is a challenging place to be and we have always thrived by making ambitious and tough decisions, last year at the same time as freezing our grooming prices we became a Certified Living Wage Employer, choosing to put people before profit is something of which I am immensely proud. We have many more ambitious and exciting plans in the future which will see your loyalty rewarded and with your support this wonderful business supports the livelihoods of 26 employees not to mention the countless hounds and their people who visit us weekly to buy their essentials and support their high street.
I want to thank you all again for your loyalty, and for your patience as we continue to navigate these challenging trading conditions.
Best wishes,


dog grooming clifton village